About Us

Herba Organics is a leading brand of herbal health care industry in India whose parent company is Herbal Ayurveda based at Kashipur, Uttarakhand, India. Herba Organics offers a range of herbal products and Ayurvedic medicine distribution network under its banner. Our main objective is to bring Ayurveda in line with main health care stream of India and to picture its scientific approach in modern & authentic manner to the world so as to develop faith in its efficacy globally. We take pridein bringing you the best & most authentic ayurveda medicines.

We presents the world variety of useful ayurvedic products at very fair and justifiable price. Being a leading Ayurvedic Brand we deals in genuine & result oriented ayurvedic products such as Diabasure tablets for Diabetes control, Herba Bull tablets for Sexual performance, Herba Promass for weight gain, Vedalean for weight loss, Digestara for improving digestion, Antistoe for kidney stone cure, Herbavito for multivitamins, Herba Relief for Pain Relief, etc.

Apart from curing the disease on time, the ayurvedic products of Herba Organics also gives the permanent relief from various health problems. The best point of ayurveda is that it does not only cure the disease but they also acts as natural tonics which helps to rejuvenate the human body cells and tissues.You can buy Herba Organics Ayurveda products online from herbaorganics.in and all other famous ecommerce marketplaces like Amazon and Flipkart, now to make your mind and body as pure and illness free as the nature.

For more information, you can visit our online store www.herbaorganics.in or website www.herbaorganics.org or email us at herbaorganicsindia@gmail.com

Online Store : www.herbaorganics.in

Website : www.herbaorganics.org

Phone : +91 7088118911 (Customer Care), +91 7088118911 (Enquiry) 

Email : herbaorganicsindia@gmail.com

Reg. Name: Herbal Ayurveda

Reg. No : UKFIRM5000718002339


TAN : MRTH01944F

Reg. Office : 1st Floor, Dev Bazar, Avas Vikas,

Kashipur – 244713 ( Uttarakand )

Drop Us a Message.


Reg. Add: 1st floor, Dev Bazar, Kashipur, Uttarakhand -244713


Mon-Sat: 9am-6pm